Round 3: Launch Ready
Through Round 3: Launch Ready, DHCS awarded 45 facilities a total of $518.5 million to construct, acquire, and rehabilitate real estate assets to expand the behavioral health continuum of treatment and service resources. Proposed projects were required to show that they had been through a planning process and were ready to get construction underway.
Round 3 is the first round of BHCIP funding to provide support for grantees to undertake actual infrastructure development. Round 3 supports nonprofit corporations, for-profit organizations, tribal entities, city and county organizations in opening residential and outpatient facilities. These include Office-Based Outpatient Treatment, Community Wellness Centers, and Adult Residential Treatment Facilities for Substance Use Disorder.
BHCIP Round 3: Launch Ready was released in a unique collaboration with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and its Community Care Expansion (CCE) Program.
Community Care Expansion (CCE) Program
The Community Care Expansion (CCE) program was established by Assembly Bill (AB) 172 (Chapter 696, of Statutes 2021) and provides funding for acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation to preserve and expand adult and senior care facilities that serve Social security Income (SSI) applicants and recipients, including those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. More information about the CCE program can be found here.
Real Estate Development TA Resource Library
Click here to view technical assistance resources for grantees and applicants.
This includes videos and guides relating to real estate planning and development.
Learn More
Information about Round 3
Forms and Templates
Download quarterly invoice template and instructions (link coming soon)
Download quarterly report template (link coming soon)
Visit the Grantee Resource Library
BHCIP Round 3 Sample Funding Agreement
DISCLAIMER: This sample BHCIP Round 3: Launch Ready Program Funding Agreement (“Sample Agreement”) is a sample only. The content presented in the Sample Agreement is made available solely for general informational purposes. The Sample Agreement is intended to enable potential applicants and grantees to familiarize themselves with general BHCIP funding terms and conditions. The terms and conditions of the Sample Agreement are subject to change to reflect the specific requirements of each grantee’s project and round of BHCIP funding. We do not warrant this information’s accuracy, completeness, or usefulness. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. We disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such materials by you or any other user of the Sample Agreement, or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.
We may update the content in this Sample Agreement from time to time, but its content is not necessarily complete or up to date. Any material in the Sample Agreement may be out of date at any given time, and we are under no obligation to update such material.
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If a project is already in progress and the applicant is willing to serve the
No. Funding may not be used for “reimbursement.” Only those costs that can be associated with completing the project (for example, adding an ADA-compliant walkway,...
What if our organization is unable to get a letter of support indicating we have
Applicants who are unable to obtain a letter of support before the deadline are encouraged to complete the application process. In the application section requesting...
How do I know whether the facility type is eligible for this funding opportunity, given
The RFA (section 3.1) explains that BHCIP Launch Ready projects need to expand community capacity for serving the behavioral health (mental health and substance use...
Does the pre-application consultation determine whether we are “launch ready”?
In preparation for the pre-application consultation, you will be asked to complete a survey that will allow your designated implementation specialist to help determine whether...
Are facilities that provide Short-Doyle mental health services eligible for BHCIP funding? Our facility serves
Please ensure your facility is on the list of eligible facilities listed in the RFA. Eligible facilities must also provide behavioral health Medi-Cal services and...