Can required letters of support for BHCIP grant applications be signed through DocuSign?
Yes, required letters of support will be acceptable using DocuSign. Please note that the signature date must be current and clearly visible.
Are sobering centers funded under the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) and/or Community Supports?
When sobering centers are identified as an eligible facility type for BHCIP funding, the sobering center must also be connected to the DMC-ODS and/or Community Supports. The Community Support services […]
Can non built-in furnishings (such as desks, tables, and chairs) be included in the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP) budget?
“BHCIP does not fund non built-in furnishings. Non-built-in furnishings are considered FFEs, which are items that are not permanently affixed to a building and are consequently easily removable from their […]
Are furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FFE) covered by these Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP) grants?
FFE is not an allowable expense through the BHCIP funding grants. FFEs are items that are not permanently affixed to a building and are consequently easily removable from their respective […]
We are planning to acquire a building that has already been completely built and would use it for a behavioral health clinic space instead of its original intent, an office building. Do DIR prevailing wage rules still apply?
Department of Industrial Relations rules and prevailing wages apply to any engineering or construction work you perform on the site. If you are acquiring a turnkey or move-in ready building […]
Are the BHCIP Round 5: Crisis and Behavioral Health continuum funds exclusively for capital project costs or are operational expenses also allowable?
These funds are only for capital expansion through acquisition and construction. BHCIP funding may not be used to cover operational expenses.
If the proposed project is part of a larger project, should we submit the full budget of the larger project but identify the allowed items for the proposed project?
You may only request BHCIP Round 5: Crisis and Behavioral Health Continuum funds for your behavioral health expansion project. Your budget should only relate to your behavioral health-specific project, not […]
If I have more than one project at different locations, can I submit one application or do I have to submit separate applications?
One application must be submitted for each project address. Applications are based on the address of the project. If a project has two different addresses, then two separate applications must […]
Can a facility based in a correctional setting apply for BHCIP or CCE funds?
No. Correctional settings are not eligible for funding under either BHCIP Round 3: Launch Ready or CCE Capital Expansion funding.