If the proposed project is part of a larger project, should we submit the full budget of the larger project but identify the allowed items for the proposed project?
You may only request BHCIP Round 5: Crisis and Behavioral Health Continuum funds for your behavioral health expansion project. Your budget should only relate to your behavioral health-specific project, not […]
Are mobile crisis units eligible for this funding or does it need to be a physical facility?
Mobile crisis units are not eligible for BHCIP Round 5: Crisis and Behavioral Health Continuum funding. Please see list for eligible facility types in Section 3.3 of the RFA.
We have a project that includes multiple facility types. Do we need to submit an application for each facility type?
Applications are based on the address of the project. If you have a project with multiple facility types at the same address, then only one application is needed. If the […]
We have a campus with multiple APNs. Do we have to submit multiple applications?
The number of applications needed is based on the address of the project. If a campus has multiple APNs for the same address, then only one application is needed.
If I have more than one project at different locations, can I submit one application or do I have to submit separate applications?
One application must be submitted for each project address. Applications are based on the address of the project. If a project has two different addresses, then two separate applications must […]
I keep getting notifications from SurveyMonkey Apply letting me know it is down for maintenance and later, when I try to access my BHCIP application, the green “apply” button doesn’t show. How do I resolve this?
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by SurveyMonkey Apply’s maintenance notifications. You may resolve these issues by clearing your browser’s cache. For information on how to clear a cache, please […]
Governor Newsom Announces $480.5 Million in BHCIP Round 4: Children and Youth Grants
Governor Gavin Newsom today announced $480.5 million in awards for 54 projects to improve California’s behavioral health infrastructure for children and youth. As part of Governor Newsom’s Master Plan for Kids’ Mental […]
Can a facility based in a correctional setting apply for BHCIP or CCE funds?
No. Correctional settings are not eligible for funding under either BHCIP Round 3: Launch Ready or CCE Capital Expansion funding.
Can a proposed short-term residential therapeutic program (STRTP) serving a juvenile justice population be eligible for BHCIP Round 5: Crisis and Behavioral Health Continuum grant funding?
Yes, a STRTP that serves a juvenile justice population may be eligible for BHCIP funding only if it is an unlocked facility and meets all necessary behavioral and/or mental health […]
If we are including the costs of property acquisition in our budget, do we need to provide a certified appraisal of the property at this time? Who pays for the certified appraisal?
A certified appraisal of the property is required at the time of the award application if you are using land as the source of your match or if you are […]