Bond BHCIP Round 1: Launch Ready
Frequently Asked Questions
Featured Questions and How to Use the FAQ
Questions and answers are grouped by funding opportunity. All responses are labeled either Round 3: Launch Ready Joint RFA, Round 4: Children & Youth, Round 5: Crisis and Behavioral Health Continuum, or Bond BHCIP Round 1: Launch Ready. This compilation is updated periodically.
Bond BHCIP Round 1: Launch Ready Questions
Is Bond BHCP funding for supportive housing?
- California Infrastructure Team
- | September 17, 2024
- | FAQ – Bond BHCIP Round 1
No. DHCS will administer up to $4.4 billion in BHCIP competitive grants to expand behavioral health treatment settings. The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) will administer up to $2 billion specific for permanent supportive housing. Please refer to HCD website for more information and updates.
Are potential applicants for Bond BHCIP Round 1: Launch Ready funding required to receive Medi-Cal funding to be eligible to apply?
- California Infrastructure Team
- | September 17, 2024
- | FAQ – Bond BHCIP Round 1
As stated in part in section 2.1 of the Request for Applications (RFA), awarded applicants that offer Medi-Cal reimbursable behavioral health services will be expected to have a contract in place with their county to ensure the provision of funded Medi-Cal services once the awarded BHCIP facility’s expansion or construction is complete and required licenses/certifications are secured. BHCIP funded facilities providing Medi-Cal reimbursable services will need to specify on their application what percent of the services they provide will be Medi-Cal funded. Additionally, if the BHCIP funded facility will also operate utilizing alternate funding sources, the application must specify the source of the alternate funding and the percentage of services that will be covered by the alternate funding. Community wellness centers and youth behavioral health prevention centers, which are only eligible facility types for tribal entities, do not provide Medi-Cal reimbursable behavioral health treatment services and thus are not required to have a contract to provide Medi-Cal behavioral health services; however, they must provide services to Medi-Cal beneficiaries and describe how their services will be sustainably funded. A letter of support from the county behavioral health agency supporting the project and describing how the entity type would work into the county’s continuum of behavioral health care would be a beneficial addition to the application.